How to use the lambda function In Python Pandas

In this example, we are taking a pandas data frame and one of the columns is an array of tuples, we can slice that particular column and apply a lambda function to extract a particular column from the tuple of an array.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'approval': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
                     'temperature': [(18.18, 2.27, 3.23),
                                     (36.43, 34.24, 6.6),
                                     (5.25, 6.16, 7.7),
                                     (7.37, 28.8, 8.9),
                                     (12, 23, 3)]})
res = data['temperature'].apply(lambda x: x[2]).values


   approval          temperature
0        10  (18.18, 2.27, 3.23)
1        20  (36.43, 34.24, 6.6)
2        30    (5.25, 6.16, 7.7)
3        40    (7.37, 28.8, 8.9)
4        50          (12, 23, 3

The output for extracting 3rd column from the array of tuples
[3.23 6.6  7.7  8.9  3.  ]

How to extract a particular column from 1D array of tuples?

In this article, we will cover how to extract a particular column from a 1-D array of tuples in python.


Input:  [(18.18,2.27,3.23),(36.43,34.24,6.6),(5.25,6.16,7.7),(7.37,28.8,8.9)]

Output: [3.23, 6.6 , 7.7 , 8.9 ]

Explanation: Extracting the 3rd column from 1D array of tuples.

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