How to use withColumn() method. In Python

Here we are using withColumn() method to select the columns.

Syntax: dataframe.withColumn(“string_column”, when(col(“column”)==’value’, 1)).otherwise(value))


  • dataframe is the pyspark dataframe
  • string_column is the column to be mapped to numeric
  • value is the numeric value

Example: Here we are going to create a college spark dataframe using Row method and  map college name with college number using with column method along with when().


# import col and when modules
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when
# map college name with college number
# using with column method along with when module
                     when(col("college")=='iit', 1)
                     .when(col("college")=='vignan', 2)
                     .when(col("college")=='rvrjc', 3)


Pyspark Dataframe – Map Strings to Numeric

In this article, we are going to see how to convert map strings to numeric.

Creating dataframe for demonstration:

Here we are creating a row of data for college names and then pass the createdataframe() method and then we are displaying the dataframe.


# importing module
import pyspark
# importing sparksession from pyspark.sql module and Row module
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row
# creating sparksession and giving an app name
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('sparkdf').getOrCreate()
# list  of college data
dataframe = spark.createDataFrame([Row("vignan"),
# display dataframe


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