Method 1:Using a custom function

We can calculate Minkowski distance between a pair of vectors by apply the formula,

( Σ|vector1i – vector2i|p )1/p


vector1 is the first vector

vector2 is the second vector

p is an integer

Below is the implementation in R to calculate Minkowski distance by using a custom function.


# R program to illustrate how to
# calculate Minkowski distance
# using a custom function
 # Custom function to calculate Minkowski distance
 calculateMinkowskiDistance <- function(vect1, vect2, p) {
   # Initializing answer variable as 0
   answer <- as.integer(0)
   # Iterating over the length of the vector
   # Using for-in loop
   for (index in 0 : length(vect1))
      # temp stores the absolute difference raised to power p
      temp = as.integer(abs(vect1[index] - vect2[index]) ^ p)
      # Updating answer variable
      answer = sum(temp, answer)
   # The final answer would be answer raised to
   # power 1 / p
   answer = answer ^ (1 / p)
   # Return the answer
# Initializing a vector
vect1 <- c(1, 3, 5, 7)
# Initializing another vector
vect2 <- c(2, 4, 6, 8)
# Set p equal to 4
p <- as.integer(1)
# Call the function to calculate MinkowskiDistance
distance = calculateMinkowskiDistance(vect1, vect2, p)
# Print the calculated distance
print(paste("The Minkowski distance between vect1\
and vect2 having the value of p =",p, "is", distance ))
# Set p equal to 5
p <- as.integer(2)
# Call the function to calculate MinkowskiDistance
distance = calculateMinkowskiDistance(vect1, vect2, p)
# Print the calculated distance
print(paste("The Minkowski distance between vect1\
and vect2 having the value of p =",p, "is", distance ))
# Set p equal to 5
p <- as.integer(3)
# Call the function to calculate MinkowskiDistance
distance = calculateMinkowskiDistance(vect1, vect2, p)
# Print the calculated distance
print(paste("The Minkowski distance between vect1\
and vect2 having the value of p =",p, "is", distance ))
# Set p equal to 5
p <- as.integer(4)
# Call the function to calculate MinkowskiDistance
distance = calculateMinkowskiDistance(vect1, vect2, p)
# Print the calculated distance
print(paste("The Minkowski distance between vect1 \
and vect2 having the value of p =",p, "is", distance ))


How to Calculate Minkowski Distance in R?

In this article, we are going to see how to calculate Minkowski Distance in the R Programming language.

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Method 1:Using a custom function

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