Method – 4 –

In this approach we will use an external module called roman to convert an integer to roman and vice versa. We need to install it using pip command first. Write the below command in terminal.

!pip install roman


Then we will use two methods , one to convert integer into roman another to convert roman into integer.

Converting Integer to Roman –

For this purpose we will use the toRoman() method of the roman package, it takes the integer value as it’s argument.


# Importing the package
import roman
# converting the integer to Roman
# and storing it in variable 'r'
r = roman.toRoman(1904)
# Printing the converted value

Output – 



Time Complexity – O(1)

Auxiliary Space – O(1)

Converting Roman to Integer –

Here we will convert a roman value to an integer value using fromRoman() method which takes the roman value as an argument, we need to pass that as a string.


# Importing the module roman
import roman
# Converting the roman value
# into integer and storing
# it in variable 'i'
i = roman.fromRoman("MCMIV")
# Printing the converted value

Output – 



Time Complexity – O(1)

Auxiliary Space – O(1)

Python program to convert integer to roman

Given an integer, the task is to write a Python program to convert integer to roman.


Input: 5
Output: V

Input: 9
Output: IX

Input: 40
Output: XL

Input:  1904
Output: MCMIV

Below table shows the list of Roman symbols including their corresponding integer values also:

Symbols Values
I 1
IV   4
V 5
IX 9
X 10
XL 40
L 50
XC 90
C 100
CD 400
D 500
CM 900
M 1000

Idea is to convert the units, tens, hundreds, and thousands of places of the given number separately. If the digit is 0, then there’s no corresponding Roman numeral symbol. The conversion of digits 4’s and 9’s are a little bit different from other digits because these digits follow subtractive notation.  

Algorithm to convert an Integer value to Roman Numeral  

Compare given number with base values in the order 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1. The base value that is just smaller or equal to the given number will be the initial base value (largest base value), Divide the number by its largest base value, the corresponding base symbol will be repeated quotient times, the remainder will then become the number for future division and repetitions. The process will be repeated until the number becomes zero.

Similar Reads

Method 1:

Initially number = 3549, Since 3549 >= 1000 ; largest base value will be 1000 initially. And Divide 3549/1000. Quotient = 3, Remainder =549. The corresponding symbol M will be repeated thrice. Now, number become 549 and 1000 > 549 >= 500, largest base value will be 500 then divide 549/500. Quotient = 1, Remainder =49. The corresponding symbol D will be repeated once. Now, number = 49 and 50 > 49 >= 40, largest base value is 40. Then divide 49/40. Quotient = 1, Remainder = 9. The corresponding symbol XL will be repeated once. Now, number = 9 and 10> 9 >= 9, largest base value is 9. Then divide 9/9. Quotient = 1, Remainder = 0. The corresponding symbol IX will be repeated once. Finally, the number becomes 0, the algorithm stops here. The output obtained MMMDXLIX....

Method 2:


Method 3:

In this method, we have to first observe the problem. The number given in the problem statement can be a maximum of 4 digits. The idea to solve this problem is:...

Method – 4 –
