Methods of UPSERT

There are three ways of using UPSERT operation in MySQL:

  1. Using INSERT IGNORE– INSERT IGNORE command is an extension of the INSERT command where if there is a duplicate insert in PRIMARY KEY column instead of raising error, it just ignores the duplicate insert. It only inserts new unique values and does not insert for duplicate entry. It is very useful for bulk insert operation.
  2. Using the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Clause – This clause inserts new value for unique insert or update the value for duplicate insert.
  3. Using the REPLACE Statement- Replace statement inserts new unique values in the table, but on duplicate values it first deletes the existing row, and then adds the new row. It is basically a combination of INSERT and DELETE commands.


MySQL UPSERT is a combination of “INSERT” and “UPDATE” operations. It is used in database management to handle scenarios where you need to either insert a new record or update an existing one in a table.

This article explores the syntax, methods, and practical examples of UPSERT in MySQL, shedding light on how developers can efficiently manage data without the need for intricate conditional checks.

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