Miscellaneous Constants in Mathematics

Let us see the list of some other Constants in Mathematics





Unit imaginary number

i2 = -1


Khinchin’s constant



Pythagoras’ constant, square root of 2

1.41421 35623 73095


Bernstein’s constant

0.28016 94990


Omega constant

0.56714 32904


Landau–Ramanujan constant

0.76422 36535

Transcendental Numbers

Transcendental numbers are real numbers or maybe complex numbers that are not the roots of a polynomial having integral coefficient terms. Note that every real transcendental has to be irrational to satisfy the condition for Transcendental Number.

Some examples of important Transcendental Numbers include Euler’s constant “e” and Pi’s “π”, Liouville constant, and the Champernowne constant. These numbers are useful in the field of mathematics.

List of Mathematical Constant

Mathematics is an important branch that deals with numbers used in daily life. Scientists and scholars in olden times performed some daily life tasks like calculation of the area of circles and measurement of ancient civilizations which led to some standard values that are known as constants today.

Mathematical Constant List

These constants include Euler’s Constant, Pi, and Golden Ratio. In this article, we will study the list of mathematical constants and what these constants signify. We will also discuss how constants are used in algebra and calculus. Some important concepts like Transcendental Numbers will also be covered in the article.

Table of Content

  • What are Mathematical Constants?
  • Some Important Constants in Mathematics
  • Euler’s Constant “e”
  • Pi (π)
  • Golden Ratio (φ)
  • Euler’s Constant (γ)
  • Constants in Algebra
  • Constants in Calculus
  • Miscellaneous Constants in Mathematics

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