
A Modem is a short form of Modulator/Demodulator. The Modem is a hardware component/device that can connect computers and other devices such as routers and switches to the internet. Modems convert or modulate the analog signals coming from telephone wire into a digital form that is in the form of 0s and 1s. It acts as a bridge between the telephone line and the computer. It converts the input analog signal to a digital signal and directs it to the computer and vice versa.       


Types of Modem

There are multiple types of modems available but the important of them are:

  • Dial-Up: This is one of the earlier types of modem connection that uses a phone line to connect to an Internet Service Provider, But these are very slow modems.
  • Digital Subscriber Line: DSL provides high speed internet access over telephonic lines, but they operate on different frequency bands.
  • Satellite Modem: They are used for accessing the internet over satellite communication, they are used in that area where the normal internet connection is not possible.
  • Cable: These are those modems that use a cable TV line to connect with an Internet Service Provider. This is the highly used type of modem connection.
  • Internal Modem: The internal modem is connected inside the system/computer system, due to which its rate of data transmission is very slow and its installation is quite complex.
  • External Modem: An external provides modem is connected outside the system/computer system by using a cable , it provide high data transmission rate, it is a alittle bit expensive but its installation is very easy.
  • Two-wire Modem: It uses a pair of wire that is why its called Two-wire Modem, these two wires are used for incoming and outgoing signals.
  • Four-wire Modem: It uses the pair of wires for incoming and outgoing signal. So it is double of Two-wire Modem, that’s why this is called Four-wire Modem.

Advantages of Modem

  • The modem is more helpful in connecting LANs with the internet.
  • Modem speed depends on the cost, the more is the cost more powerful the modem.
  • A modem is the most probably used in data communication roadway.
  • A modem converts digital signals into analog signals.

Disadvantages of Modem

  • The modem lacks in providing traffic maintenance.
  • It is just an interface between LAN and the Internet.
  • It can make the computer vulnerable to hackers and malware.

Features of Modem

  • A modem has fewer Ethernet ports in comparison to a Router.
  • A modem has a public IP Address.
  • Modem uses Wide Area Network (WAN) for transmission.

What is a Modem Used for?

  • It connects the internet from the Internet Service Provider to your device.
  • It modulates and demodulates the electric signals from analog to digital and vice-versa.
  • It basically provides a secure connection to your device.

Difference Between Modem and Router

The basic difference between a Modem and a Router is that a Modem takes Internet Signals from the provider and connects it with your device and a Router takes the Internet from the modem and transfers it to your wireless devices. Both Modem and Router measure the networking devices, wherever a piece of electronic equipment connects your laptop or your network to the Internet Service Provider for accessing the web. To get the internet connection for our network, we both need a modem and router either individually or integrated. We will discuss each Modem and Router in detail.

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A Modem is a short form of Modulator/Demodulator. The Modem is a hardware component/device that can connect computers and other devices such as routers and switches to the internet. Modems convert or modulate the analog signals coming from telephone wire into a digital form that is in the form of 0s and 1s. It acts as a bridge between the telephone line and the computer. It converts the input analog signal to a digital signal and directs it to the computer and vice versa....

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