Modification of Tap Roots

There are various reasons for tap root modification including food storage, nitrogen fixation, and respiration process. Let’s discuss these reasons in detail.

Tap Root Modification for Food Storage

In various plants, the central root of taproots needs to store food and due to this they become fleshy and swell up. The branched roots, however, are, involved in the absorption of minerals from the soil. Depending on the type of root, the central root swells up and assumes different shapes. On the basis of these shapes, tap roots may be classified as:

  • Conical roots: This type of taproot assumes the shape of a cone and grows vertically downward. For example, Carrots
  • Fusiform Roots: This type of taproot becomes swollen or turnip shaped. For example, Radish
  • Napiform Roots: This taproot type is spherical at its base and tapers at both ends. For example, Turnip
  • Tuberous Roots: This type does not assume any shape and develops swellings along its length. For example, Sweet Potato.

For Nitrogen Fixation

Various crops of the leguminaece family including plants like peas, groundnuts, and grams possess root nodules. Millions of nitrogen fixing bacteria known as Rhizobium, inhabit these nodules and convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates which is later used by the plant’s roots.

For Respiration Process

Several plant varieties grow in saline marshes, these plants are known as mangrove plants. The roots of these plants are deprived of oxygen. To remedy this situation some branches of the secondary roots grow vertically up i.e. a few branches from the secondary roots emerge out from the marsh and grow upwards for better respiration.

Root Modifications – Tap Root & Adventitious Roots

Modification of Roots is the process by which roots alter their shape to absorb and transport water and minerals from the soil to various parts of the plant. In addition, the function of roots includes absorbing water and minerals and transporting them to the stem, storing food, and providing support to the plant body. Root modifications emphasize a plant’s ability to survive. This article explains the modifications of roots, focusing on the modification of taproot and adventitious root systems.

Table of Content

  • Root Modification Definition
  • What are the Modification of Roots?
  • Diagram of Root Modification
  • Types of Root Systems
  • Modification of Tap Roots
  • Modification of Adventitious Roots
  • Modification of Fibrous Roots
  • Importance of Modifications of Plant Roots

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FAQs – Modifications of Roots

What are the Modifications of Tap Roots?...