Monsoon winds of Arabian Sea

What are the monsoon winds of the Arabian Sea?

Monsoon winds over the Arabian Sea come from both the northeast and the southwest, changing in their direction with the seasons. The winds from Southwest Asia blow toward the sea throughout the winter.

What are monsoon winds Class 11?

A monsoon is a seasonal shift in the predominant, or strongest, winds in a certain area. Monsoon winds originate from the rising and heating of the air over land, which drives winds from the ocean toward the land.

What are the main characteristics of Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon?

    • They come from the Arabian Sea and hit the western ghats, bringing with them heavy precipitation exceeding 250 cm.
    • Another branch of theirs causes very little rain to fall in the Thar desert as it heads northeastern, parallel to the Aravalli highlands.

    What is the difference between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Class 11?

    The Bay of Bengal is smaller than the Arabian Sea. While only a portion of the Bay of Bengal current penetrates India, the entire Arabian Sea current moves in that direction. The Bay of Bengal branch has greater strength.

    What are the two types of monsoon winds?

    There are two types of monsoon winds. These are the Southwest monsoon and the Northeast monsoon winds.

    What is a short note on monsoon?

    A monsoon is a seasonal shift in the predominant, or strongest, winds in a certain area. In much of the tropics, monsoons bring about rainy and dry seasons.

    Monsoon Winds of Arabian Sea| Class 11 Geography Notes

    The cold breezes that carry showers with them when they move from the ocean’s surface to the land are known as monsoon winds. India’s environment is fundamentally affected by monsoon winds. The branch monsoon winds over the Arabian Sea are the source of the rainstorm winds. Over the North Eastern Ocean, rainstorm winds begin in the northeast and shift toward the southwest with the changing of the seasons. In the colder time of year, winds begin in Southwest Asia and move toward the ocean.

    You will find out about the Arabian Sea monsoon winds from this article, which will assist you with getting ready for the UPSC civil service test in geography.

    Monsoon Winds of Arabian Sea| Class 11 Geography Notes

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