Moore Machines

Moore Machines are finite state machines with output value and its output depends only on the present state. It can be defined as (Q, q0, ∑, O, δ, λ) where:

  • Q is a finite set of states.
  • q0 is the initial state.
  • ∑ is the input alphabet.
  • O is the output alphabet.
  • δ is the transition function which maps Q×∑ → Q.
  • λ is the output function which maps Q → O.

Figure 1: Moore Machines

In the Moore machine shown in Figure 1, the output is represented with each input state separated by /. The length of output for a Moore Machine is greater than input by 1.

  • Input: 1,1
  • Transition: δ (q0,1,1)=> δ(q2,1)=>q2
  • Output: 000 (0 for q0, 0 for q2 and again 0 for q2)

Mealy and Moore Machines in TOC

Moore and Mealy Machines are Transducers that help in producing outputs based on the input of the current state or previous state. In this article we are going to discuss Moore Machines and Mealy Machines, the difference between these two machines as well as Conversion from Moore to Mealy and Conversion from Mealy to Moore Machines.

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