Moral of the Cinderella Story

“Being good, always rewards you in the end.”

In Princess Cinderella’s story, we see how despite all the odds being against her, Cinderella is always kind, polite and helpful. The Prince found her though she had cinders all over her dress and hair. Cinderella’s warmth & innocence won his heart. Finally, the bad days for Cinderella came to an end. The Prince got married to her and they lived happily ever after.

Cinderella Story For Kids With Pictures and Moral

Cindrella Story for Kids: There are many bedtime stories that can be read to children, out of these some are quite popular. Some of the well-known short bedtime stories for kids, are the Snow-white and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel, all-time classics to name a few. One such interesting story is that of the young, beautiful girl named Cinderella who leads a very tough life, but never loses hope and remains calm and kind which eventually leads to her life being good in the end.

Such bedtime short stories help kids in learning positive lessons and enhances their knowledge base with the help of morals and new words and ideas. In this article, we have provided the story of Cinderella that kids can read and know, along with the moral that the Cinderella story teaches us.

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What is the story of Cinderella?...