My experience

In my work, I faced a task to find the fastest path on a map. I used Dijkstra’s method, breaking down my approach step by step. When tackling the challenge of dealing with a lot of live data in a system design round, I laid out how to make a system that can handle, keep, and get to huge amounts of live data fast and reliably.

I started by explaining how Dijkstra’s algorithm works well for finding the shortest distance from a start point to all other points on a graph. I showed this in easy steps, stressing the use of a priority queue to make searching for the next nearest vertex quicker.

Then, for the job of managing big, real-time data, I sketched a plan for a system built to process, store, and fetch a lot of live data efficiently. This meant picking technologies and structures that aid growth, can keep working if parts fail, and let you get to data quickly. I focused on creating a strong, spread out system that could deal with the big and unpredictable flow of data coming in.

Aiming for both speed and dependability, I crafted a solution that could adjust to changes in load, making sure the system stayed quick and correct in real time. My main aim was to keep things clear, simple, and effective for dealing with complicated, high-need situations.

Technoptimize Interview Experience for Software Engineer Full Time

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