
This function returns the number of input arguments that appear in the function “function_name”. It returns the total length of input arguments that can be passed in the function. Eg. function geeks_for_geeks(int a1, int a2,….int an), the function can take in a total of n arguments and hence “nargin(geeks_for_geeks)” will return ‘n’ i.e. total n arguments.



% MATLAB code
function_name = 'gfg'; %name of the function
% Following line prints the number of input arguments
% that appear in the function gfg i.e 3
fprintf("\nThe number of arguments appearing in the function gfg
 is %d",nargin(function_name));
 % Name of the function
function_name1 = 'gfg1'
% Following line prints the number of input
% arguments that appear in the function gfg1 i.e 2
fprintf("\nThe number of arguments appearing in the 
function gfg1 is %d",nargin(function_name1));
% The function gfg is not called nor does it print anything
% it is important to create the function or it shows error
% when nargin('gfg') is executed.
function gfg(input1,input2,input3)
     %void function
% The function gfg1 is not called nor
% does it print anything
% it is important to create the function or it shows 
% error when nargin('gfg1') is executed.
function gfg1(input1)
    % void function

Output :

Code Explanation: In the following example, we have created two functions ‘gfg’ and ‘gfg1’ which takes input arguments (input1,input2,input3) and (input1) respectively. So, when we call the command nargin(‘gfg’) and nargin(‘gfg1’), it returns 3 and 1 as the number of arguments appearing in them are 3 and 1 respectively.

How to Find Number of Function Arguments in MATLAB?

The number of function arguments passed in MATLAB will be determined in the following article. Unlike C, C++, and Java, MATLAB can accommodate a variable amount of parameters provided into a function without throwing an error. We’ll go through how we determine the actual amount of parameters supplied into the function and do the appropriate calculations.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x =  40;
int y = 50;
printf("Sum of the numbers : %d", GFG(x,y));
int GFG(int a1,int a2, int an)
return a1 + a2+ an;


too few arguments to function ‘GFG’


% MATLAB Code for addition 
x = 4;
y = 5;
fprintf("Addition of numbers : %d",GFG(x,y));
function sum = GFG(int a1,int an)
         sum = a1 + a2 .... + an;


 Addition of numbers : 9

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