Negative Impacts of AI

According to stats, “Nearly 46% and 44% of administrative jobs and legal jobs respectively are at a risk of replacement by AI completely.” Let us look into some of the major negative impacts of AI –   

1. Job Replacements 

AI performing quicker and more accurately than humans is enough to lure employers. A major segment of employers might neglect the importance of manpower for the business because AI is comparatively more economical. The most basic example you’ll come across is automated customer service, where AI could reduce the number of vacancies in call center jobs. 

2. Works on Algorithms 

AI works completely on a set of algorithms and algorithms work on data they are trained on. Therefore, even if the information is not accurate, AI does not have human judgments and will pass on the information as generated. This can cause damage in various situations where the generated data is critical to use.

3. Mandatory Skill Upgradation 

If you do not work consistently on upgrading your current skill set, you may find it difficult to secure your job or advance your career in the long run. Therefore, with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the unskilled workforce will find it difficult to cope with technological advancements. Whether this is a negative impact or a positive one, is a subjective conclusion. P.S. If you want to be more familiar with AI, learning coding languages such as Python can make the deal! 

How will AI Impact the Future of Work and Life?

In the last few years, the buzz about AI is sky-high! Will AI replace humans? Will AI create routes to more work possibilities? And thousands of similar questions!  

Well, artificial Intelligence might replace specific jobs in the market in the coming future, however, it has always created more jobs in all industries. There are several other reasons why AI has been seen as taking the overall generation towards a technologically advanced era. Therefore, you can ideally use it to mitigate risks and cover up loopholes in the current system.

Are you also wondering if AI can affect you and your work life in the coming times? Read on to this article and understand how AI will impact our work and life in the future!


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