Network Configuration Commands





Shows the Hostname of the current computer system.


Displays the hostname of the current system.


Displays and allows you to configure network interfaces, routing, and tunnels.

ip addr show 

Shows the IP addresses assigned to network interfaces.


Shows and lets you set up wireless network interfaces.

iwconfig wlan0 essid "WiFiName"

Connects the wlan0 interface to the WiFi network named “WiFiName”.


Sets up network interfaces using YAML configuration files.

netplan apply

Applies network settings from the YAML files.


Shows and configures the network interfaces on the current system.

ifconfig eth0

Displays information about the eth0 interface.


Checks the current setup and settings of network interfaces.

ifquery --list

Lists all network interfaces and their settings.


Reports the network status, manages and configures the network connections and controls the NetworkManager tool.

nmcli dev wifi list

Lists available WiFi networks.


This Defines the network interfaces, IP addresses, gateways, DNS servers, and the other network related settings in the YAML config file.

(Example covered in description)


This will Activates a network interface that is currently inactive or down.

ifup eth0

Activates the eth0 network interface.


Deactivates a network interface that is currently active or up.

ifdown wlan0

Deactivates the wlan0 wireless interface.


Automatically gets an IP address and other network configuration details from a DHCP server.

dhclient eth0

Requests an IP address for the eth0 interface from a DHCP server.

Linux Network Commands Cheat Sheet

Linux is a very popular operating system. Many people use it. Developers and network admins need to know Linux network commands well. This article will going explains most of the common Linux network commands in a very easy way and It also has a cheat sheet about these commands. The cheat sheet tells you what each command does and how you use it.

Linux Network Commands Cheat Sheet

  • What Are Networking Commands in Linux?
  • Linux Networking Commands Cheat Sheet
  • Network Configuration Commands
  • Network Connectivity Commands
  • DNS and Name Resolution Commands
  • Network Information Commands
  • Network Testing and Monitoring Commands
  • Network Analysis and Monitoring Commands
  • Remote Access Commands
  • Security Commands
  • Utility Commands

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Network Configuration Commands


Network Connectivity Commands

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Network Information Commands

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Network Testing and Monitoring Commands

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Network Analysis and Monitoring Commands

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Remote Access Commands

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Security Commands

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Utility Commands

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In summary, this shows important Linux commands for working with networks. These commands help you see and fix network problems. The commands let you check network traffic, bandwidth usage, security issues, and more. Beginners may gonna find this network commands list very helpful for learning the Linux networking basics....

Linux Network Commands Cheat Sheet – FAQs

How can I check if my internet connection is working on the Linux?...