Neutral Colors

These are great to mix with warm or cool colors and they are often used to tone down primary colors and create balance in web design.

Neutral Colors

Black – Power, Edginess, Sophistication

The strongest of the neutral colors. This is not part of the color wheel, but almost all websites show it. It also depicts grief, mourning, and sorrow so it must be used wisely. Using Black as the main color of the brand show that the brand is edgy and powerful in their field. Black color is used to Shade other colors make them appear a bit darker.

White – Cleanliness, Virtue, Simplicity

Whites are also not a part of the color wheel, which in turn is primarily associated with virtue, purity and innocence. In a website which prefers simplistic and easy approaches, the white color is often used as background colour. White color is also use to change the tint of a color which lightens a color.

Gray – Neutrality, Formality, Balance

Gray, which is a widely used neutral colour to convey professionalism, is also highly popular for traditional and formal choices. It’s often used to illustrate texts, borders and a variety of subtle elements. Gray is formed after adding black and white. When we add gray to any hue it changes tone of that color.

Color Meaning | The Concept of Using Color Symbolism

Color is everywhere, shaping our world and influencing how we feel and act. The idea of color symbolism, giving meaning to different colors, is something we’ve been doing for ages. Whether it’s in art, design, or psychology, understanding what colors represent can tell us a lot about ourselves and the world we live in. In this article, we will discuss different colors and their meanings.

Color Meaning

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Neutral Colors

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Using Different colors will affect users with different emotions which can be used to promote something. Choosing colors wisely will help user to perfectly capture the attention of the viewer and deliver their message. Mixing hues with different neutral colors will help in changing the impact of the color. Mixing colors that don’t go well together or have opposite feel to them can give a negative impression to the viewer that is why it is suggested to wisely pick the colors and their shades....