Non-Inertial Frame of Reference

  • A frame that undergoes acceleration relative to an assumed inertial frame is termed non-inertial, where Newton’s laws do not hold true.
  • To apply Newton’s laws in a non-inertial frame, we introduce a fictitious force known as a pseudo force.
  • Non-inertial frames are characterized by varying velocities or accelerations, unlike inertial frames which move at constant speeds.
  • Examples of non-inertial frames include vehicles traveling along a circular road or accelerating in a straight line, where objects experience acceleration.
  • Compared to the default inertial coordinate system, non-inertial coordinate systems are accelerated, often indicated by non-zero accelerometer readings.
  • For instance, when a car accelerates from a standstill at a traffic light, it enters a non-inertial frame until reaching a constant velocity, during which accelerometers detect acceleration.

Lorentz Transformations

Lorentz factor, often known as the Lorentz term, is a measurement that describes an object’s measurements of time, length, and other physical properties, which vary when it moves. The expression occurs in derivations of the Lorentz transformations and is found in a number of special relativity equations.

It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, the term originates from its earlier use in Lorentzian electrodynamics. 

Table of Content

  • Lorentz Factor Definition
  • Inertial Frame of Reference
  • Non-Inertial Frame of Reference 
  • Difference between Inertial Frame of Reference and Non-Inertial Fames of Reference
  • Lorentz Transformation
  • The formula for Lorentz transformation can be given as,
  • Time Dilation
  • Properties of Lorentz Factor
  • Solved Examples on Lorentz Factor

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Non-Inertial Frame of Reference

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The formula for Lorentz transformation can be given as,

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