Non-Linear Control System

Nonlinear control system is basically one that does not follow the simple rules we talked about earlier. Remember how we said in linear systems changing one thing changes another thing by the same amount? Well, in real life, most systems don’t work like that. They are a bit more complicated.

Take something like a DC machine’s magnetization curve which shows how the magnetic field inside the machine changes with the electricity going through it. At first when you increase the electricity accordingly the magnetic field inside also increases in a kind of straight line. That is the linear part, where things change in a predictable way. But after a point something interesting happens the system starts to act differently. Even if you keep increasing the electricity the magnetic field does not change in the same straight-line way anymore. It reaches a point where it is kind of maxed out, like a sponge that cannot soak up any more water. That’s what we call saturation & it makes the relationship between electricity and the magnetic field non-linear.

So, nonlinear systems are the ones that don’t stick to simple, predictable patterns throughout their whole operation. They might start off following a rule, but at some point, they veer off and behave in unexpected ways, like this magnetization curve in a DC machine.

Graph of DC Machine

Example of Non-linear system

Beyond a certain point of increasing electricity input the magnetic field inside the machine does not increase at the same rate. Instead, it starts reaching a point where it becomes saturated. The main characteristic of this is a saturation represents a nonlinear behavior where additional increases in electricity no longer produce equivalent increases in the magnetic field strength. It reaches a maximum limit.

Linear and Non-Linear Control System

A control system is like a manager for machines. It tells them what to do so they work the way we want. There are different kinds of control systems, like ones that follow a straight line and others that don’t. They’re all about making sure things work the way we need them to. In this, we will discuss Linear Control Systems and Non-linear Control Systems With Tabular Comparison and a Block Diagram.

Table of Content

  • Linear control system
  • Non-linear control system
  • Applications of linear and non-linear control System
  • Difference Between Linear and Non-linear Control System
  • Block Diagram
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs on Linear and Non-Linear Control System

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