Normal function in Python

Normal function performs a specific task and can be called from other parts of the program. Also normal function  return a single value and terminate the session.


# generator function named square()
def square():
    number = 2
    # Create infinite loop
    while True:
        # Yield the current value of 'number'
        yield number
        # Calculate the square of 'number' and update its value
        number *= number
# Define a function to retrieve the next square from the generator.
def get_next_square():
    global number_generator
        # Try to get the next square from the existing generator 
        return next(number_generator)
    except NameError:
        # If 'number_generator' is not defined , initialize it
        number_generator = square()
        # Return the first square from the newly created generator.
        return next(number_generator)
#  function call  to retrieve the next square and print it.
print(get_next_square())  # Output: 2
print(get_next_square())  # Output: 4



As you can see, the generator function uses the yield keyword instead of return and generates values as they are needed, rather than creating a list of all values at once.

Difference between Generator and Normal Function

Normal functions in Python are used for traditional computation tasks, with execution proceeding from start to finish, typically returning a single result. On the other hand, generator functions employ the `yield` statement to produce values lazily, preserving their state across multiple calls. This allows generators to efficiently handle large datasets or infinite sequences by yielding values one at a time and pausing execution when necessary, making them a valuable tool for memory-efficient and iterative tasks. In this article, we’ll look into Python generator functions and normal function differences i.e. how different are their syntax, how is data handled, and practical applications.

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Normal function in Python


Difference between generator and normal function

Normal function performs a specific task and can be called from other parts of the program. Also normal function  return a single value and terminate the session....