Norton’s Theorem

Just like Thevenin theorem, Norton’s Theorem helps in simplifying a complex electrical circuit. Norton’s Theorem states that any linear two-terminal electric network which contains several sources, can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a single current source in parallel with a resistor. The resistance will be equal to the resistance at the terminals when the independent sources are turned off and the current will be equal to the short-circuit current through the terminals. Norton’s Theorem is also referred to as “dual of Thevenin’s Theorem”.

Procedure for using Norton’s Theorem

The first thing that needs to be done is identifying the circuit and removing the part where the Norton equivalent has to be calculated (load resistor). Instead of the load resistor, that part will be replaced by a short circuit. After this step, current flowing through the short circuited part needs to be calculated. The calculated current is called Norton current. Once the current is calculated, all the sources have to be replaced. The voltage sources will be replaced by short circuits and all current sources will be replaced by open circuits. Then, calculate the total resistance between the open circuit connection points after all sources have been removed. This resistance is called Norton resistance.

After the Norton current and resistance is calculated, draw the Norton equivalent circuit. The equivalent circuit will have the current source in parallel with the resistance. Also, the load resistor will be connected again between the two open points of the equivalent circuit.

Solved Example

Q. Find the Norton Equivalent Circuit For the Given Circuit


First we will short Terminals a and b

Applying KCL we get

[Tex]I=\frac{24-0}{4}+3=9A [/Tex]

To Find [Tex]R_N [/Tex] we deactivate all sources

The Circuit Becomes


[Tex]R_N=\frac{48}{16} [/Tex]=3Ω

Thus we obtain Norton Equation Circuit

Nortan Equation Circuit

Network Analysis in Electric Circuits

In this Article We will be going through what is Network Analysis, we will look at its components,then we will go through Electrical Elements, In this we will Know what is active and passive elements and the Different types of connections in electrical circuits, Next we will go through Different types of laws and Solved Examples on it, Similarly we will go through different theorems and at last we will conclude this article with Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications, and FAQs.

Table of Content

  • What is Network Analysis?
  • Electrical Elements
  • Different laws in Network Analysis
  • Theorems Used for Electrical Circuit Network Analysis
  • Advantages of network analysis
  • Disadvantages of network analysis
  • Applications of Network Analysis

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