Object –

An object is an instance of a class of the data structure with some characteristics and behavior. For Example, we say an “Apple” is an object. Its characteristics are:it is a fruit, its color is red, etc. Its behavior is:”it tastes good“. In the concept of OOPs, the characteristics of an object are represented by its data and the behavior is represented by its associated functions. Thus an object is an entity that stores data and has its interface through functions.

Perl | Classes in OOP

In this modern world, where the use of programming has moved to its maximum and has its application in each and every work of our lives, we need to adapt ourselves to such programming paradigms that are directly linked to the real-world examples. There has been a drastic change in the competitiveness and the complexity of the real-world problems, thus the industry now requires some versatile approaches towards these complexities. The concept of Object-Oriented Programming language copes up comfortably with these complexities and is a perfect way of shaping up any programming language in a way that the real-world examples become very easy to solve. Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) uses the methodology of emphasizing more on objects rather than the procedure. The OOPs concept is about working in terms of objects and the interaction between objects. 

Note: Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, etc in programming. The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part of the code can access this data except that function.

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Object –

An object is an instance of a class of the data structure with some characteristics and behavior. For Example, we say an “Apple” is an object. Its characteristics are:it is a fruit, its color is red, etc. Its behavior is:”it tastes good“. In the concept of OOPs, the characteristics of an object are represented by its data and the behavior is represented by its associated functions. Thus an object is an entity that stores data and has its interface through functions....

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