Operator Precedence in Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators follow the standard precedence rules that are used in mathematics. The precedence of arithmetic operators from highest to lowest is as follows:

  • Parentheses ()
  • Unary plus and minus + –
  • Multiplication, division, and modulus * / %
  • Addition and subtraction + –

Below is the implementation of Operator Precedence in Arithmetic Operators:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int a = 10;
    int b = 5;
    int c = 2;

    // Using arithmetic operators
    // result1 is 20 because multiplication has higher
    // precedence than addition
    int result1 = a + b * c;
    cout << "a + b * c = " << result1 << endl;

    // result2 is 30 because parentheses change the order of
    // operations
    int result2 = (a + b) * c;
    cout << "(a + b) * c = " << result2 << endl;

    // result3 is 8 because division has higher precedence
    // than subtraction
    int result3 = a - b / c;
    cout << "a - b / c = " << result3 << endl;

    // result4 is 2 because parentheses
    // change the order of operations
    int result4 = (a - b) / c;
    cout << "(a - b) / c = " << result4 << endl;

    return 0;

// Note: the difference in output between the programs is due to the 
//different precedence rules and how parentheses are used to override those 
// rules in each language.
public class Main {
    // Main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Variable declarations
        int a = 10;
        int b = 5;
        int c = 2;

        // Using arithmetic operators

        // result1 is 20 because multiplication has higher precedence than addition
        int result1 = a + b * c;
        System.out.println("a + b * c = " + result1);

        // result2 is 30 because parentheses change the order of operations
        int result2 = (a + b) * c;
        System.out.println("(a + b) * c = " + result2);

        // result3 is 8 because division has higher precedence than subtraction
        int result3 = a - b / c;
        System.out.println("a - b / c = " + result3);

        // result4 is 2 because parentheses change the order of operations
        int result4 = (a - b) / c;
        System.out.println("(a - b) / c = " + result4);

// Note: the difference in output between the programs is due to the 
//different precedence rules and how parentheses are used to override those 
// rules in each language.
# Initialize variables
a = 10
b = 5
c = 2

# Using arithmetic operators
# result1 is 20 because multiplication has higher
# precedence than addition
result1 = a + b * c
print("a + b * c =", result1)

# result2 is 30 because parentheses change the order of
# operations
result2 = (a + b) * c
print("(a + b) * c =", result2)

# result3 is 8 because division has higher precedence
# than subtraction, and in Python, division (/) returns
# a float result by default
result3 = a - b / c
print("a - b / c =", result3)

# result4 is 2 because parentheses
# change the order of operations
result4 = (a - b) / c
print("(a - b) / c =", result4)

# Note: The output may vary depending on the syntax used in the C++ code.
# In Python, division (/) returns a float result by default, which may lead to
# different results compared to C++ where integer division is used by default.
// Main function
function main() {
    let a = 10;
    let b = 5;
    let c = 2;

    // Using arithmetic operators
    // result1 is 20 because multiplication has higher
    // precedence than addition
    let result1 = a + b * c;
    console.log("a + b * c = " + result1);

    // result2 is 30 because parentheses change the order of
    // operations
    let result2 = (a + b) * c;
    console.log("(a + b) * c = " + result2);

    // result3 is 8 because division has higher precedence
    // than subtraction
    let result3 = a - b / c;
    console.log("a - b / c = " + result3);

    // result4 is 2 because parentheses
    // change the order of operations
    let result4 = (a - b) / c;
    console.log("(a - b) / c = " + result4);

// Call the main function to execute the example usage

// Note: the difference in output between the programs is due to the 
//different precedence rules and how parentheses are used to override those 
// rules in each language.

a + b * c: 20
(a + b) * c: 30
a - b / c: 8
(a - b) / c: 2

Operator Precedence in Programming

Operator Precedence, also known as operator hierarchy, is a set of rules that controls the order in which operations are performed in an expression without parentheses. It is a fundamental concept in programming languages and is crucial for writing correct and efficient code.

Table of Content

  • What is Operator Precedence?
  • Operator Precedence in Arithmetic Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Relational Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Logical Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Assignment Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Bitwise Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
  • Operator Precedence in Unary Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Member Access Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Type Cast Operators
  • Importance of Operator Precedence

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