Member Of Technical Staff (MTS) Interview Questions and Answers

Landing an MTS role at your dream company would be your ticket to a world of cutting-edge technology and challenging projects. But to ace the interview, you need to be armed with the knowledge and skills that separate the best from the rest. To help you with that, we’ve compiled 70 essential interview questions, covering the core areas of Data Structures and algorithms (DSA), Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS), Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), and Computer Networks, all specifically tailored for the MTS profile. This bunch of practice problems will sharpen your skills and boost your confidence, creating the way for a stellar MTS interview performance. So, buckle up, get ready to code, and conquer your tech dreams!

Table of Content

  • DSA Questions
  • OS
  • DBMS
  • Computer Networks
  • OOPS
  • Explain the four pillars of OOPs

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DSA Questions



Explain the core functions of an operating system. Differentiate between processes and threads. Describe the memory management strategies used by an OS, including paging. Comparison of Different CPU Scheduling Algorithms in OS File systems in OS Virtualization in Cloud Computing and Types Inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms in OS. System Protection in OS. Explain how device drivers interact with the OS and hardware devices. Causes of failure in OS....


Explain the ACID properties in DBMS. Differentiate between Structured Query Language (SQL) and NoSQL databases. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Describe different types of joins used in SQL queries and explain their functionalities. Explain the concept of database normalization and its importance in reducing data redundancy and improving data integrity. Discuss different types of database indexes and their impact on query performance. Explain the concept of database views and their advantages in data security and simplifying complex queries. Discuss different types of database storage engines like InnoDB and MyISAM, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Describe the concept of database replication and its benefits in ensuring data availability and disaster recovery. Explain how to optimize a slow SQL query by analysing the execution plan and identifying potential bottlenecks. Discuss different backup and recovery strategies for databases to ensure data protection and minimize downtime....

Computer Networks

Explain the OSI model and its seven layers. Differentiate between TCP and UDP protocols. Explain the concept of subnetting. Describe the different types of network devices and their roles. Explain the purpose of DNS and how it works. Discuss the concept of network security and different types of threats. Explain the difference between wired and wireless networking. Describe the working principle of a VPN. Explain the concept of load balancing. Challenges of computer network....


Explain the four pillars of OOPs Differentiate between classes and objects. Describe the different types of inheritance and their advantages. Explain method overriding and overloading with examples. Explain the purpose of access modifiers and their impact on data access. Discuss the concept of interfaces and how they differ from abstract classes. Explain exception handling mechanisms in your preferred programming language. Compare and contrast mutable and immutable objects, and discuss the implications for thread safety and data consistency. Discuss the benefits of using design patterns in object-oriented programming. Diamond Problem...