Outline Plot

To create an outline plot using the geom_area() function, we create a basic area plot with transparency set to zero percent using the alpha parameter of the geom_area() function.

Syntax: geom_area( alpha=0 )


Here, is an outline plot with a green outline made using the geom_area() function.


# create dataframe
df <- data.frame(value =round(c(rnorm(2000,
# import libraries ggplot2
# create area plot
# alpha as zero is used for converting area plot to line plot
 ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + 
            geom_area(stat = "bin", color = "#2bab53",
                      alpha = 0)


geom_area plot with areas and outlines in ggplot2 in R

An Area Plot helps us to visualize the variation in quantitative quantity with respect to some other quantity. It is simply a line chart where the area under the plot is colored/shaded. It is best used to study the trends of variation over a period of time, where we want to analyze the value of one variable change over a period of time or respect to any other variable.

In this article, we will discuss how to draw an area plot in the R Programming Language using the ggplot2 package. To do so we use the geom_area() function that helps us create the area plot layer.

Syntax: geom_area(mapping, data , stat , position)


  • mapping: determines the aesthetic mapping usually constructed with aes() function.
  • data: determines the data frame to be used for mapping.
  • stat: determines the statistical transformation.
  • position: determines the position adjustment for overlapping points.


Here is a basic area plot using the geom_area() function.


# create dataframe
df <- data.frame(value =round(c(rnorm(2000,
# import libraries ggplot2
# create area plot
 ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + geom_area(stat = "bin")


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