Package to Implement Interval Tree in Python

An interval tree is a data structure used for efficiently storing and querying intervals or ranges. It’s a type of binary search tree specifically designed to handle interval queries effectively.

Package or Library to Implement Bisect Algorithm in Python

The ‘intervaltree library’ in Python is used to implement Queue in Python.

What is ‘intervaltree Module’ in Python?

The intervaltree library in Python is a data structure designed to efficiently store and query intervals or ranges. It provides an implementation of an interval tree, a type of binary search tree optimized for interval queries.

Important Methods in intervaltree library

The intervaltree module in Python provides several methods for efficiently working with interval trees.

  • add(interval): Adds an interval to the interval tree.
  • remove(interval): Removes an interval from the interval tree.
  • search(begin): Searches for intervals that overlap with the given range defined by begin and end (inclusive).
  • overlap(begin): Alias for search(). Searches for intervals that overlap with the given range defined by begin and end.
  • at(begin): Searches for intervals that contain the specified point begin. Returns a set of intervals that contain the point.
  • clear(): Clears all intervals from the interval tree, making it empty.
  • copy(): Creates a shallow copy of the interval tree, including all intervals.
  • discard(interval): Removes an interval from the interval tree if it exists, similar to the remove() method.
  • items(): Returns a generator that yields all intervals stored in the interval tree.
  • size(): Returns the number of intervals stored in the interval tree.
  • empty(): Returns True if the interval tree is empty, False otherwise.

Example to use Intervaltree Library in Python


from intervaltree import IntervalTree, Interval
# Create an interval tree
tree = IntervalTree()
# Add intervals to the tree
tree.add(Interval(1, 5))
tree.add(Interval(3, 8))
tree.add(Interval(6, 10))
tree.add(Interval(12, 15))
# Query intervals that overlap with a given range
query_range = (4, 7)
result_intervals =*query_range)
print("Intervals that overlap with the query range:", result_intervals)
# Iterate over the result intervals and print their start and end points
print("Start and end points of the overlapping intervals:")
for interval in result_intervals:
    print("Start:", interval.begin, "End:", interval.end)


Intervals that overlap with the query range: {Interval(1, 5), Interval(3, 8), Interval(6, 10)}
Start and end points of the overlapping intervals:
Start: 1 End: 5
Start: 3 End: 8
Start: 6 End: 10

Python DSA Libraries

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) serve as the backbone for efficient problem-solving and software development. Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, offers a plethora of libraries and packages that facilitate the implementation of various DSA concepts. In this article, we’ll delve into some essential Python libraries for DSA, covering arrays, linked lists, queues, hash maps, heaps, trees, and specialized algorithms like Bisect, Interval Trees, and Trie Trees.

Table of Content

  • Package or Library to Implement Array in Python
  • Package or Library to Implement Linked list in Python
  • Package or Library to Implement Queue in Python
  • Package or Library to Implement Hash Map in Python
  • Package or Library to Implement Heap in Python
  • Package to Implement Tree in Python
  • Library to Implement Bisect Algorithm in Python
  • Package to Implement Interval Tree in Python
  • Package to Implement Trie Tree in Python

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