Pandas Convert JSON to DataFrame

Importing the pandas

This is the first step to working with the data frames in Pandas. First, we import Panda’s library from Python. To convert a file to the data frame, we need to have a JSON file to perform that operation. First, we will create a JSON file or we will just download a Json file.

For importing the pandas library in python we need to use the import statement:


import pandas as pd

Using json Module to create a file

Here, we will create a sample json file here the json file is as shown below .


import json
data = {
    "Name": {
        "0": "Harsha",
        "1": "Vardhan",
        "2": "Krishna",
        "3": "Hanuman",
        "4": "Shiva"
    "Roll_no": {
        "0": 1,
        "1": 2,
        "2": 3,
        "3": 4,
        "4": 5
    "subject": {
        "0": "C",
        "1": "JAVA",
        "2": "C++",
        "3": "SWIFT",
        "4": "PYTHON"
with open('subject.json', 'w') as json_file:
    json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)

  • In the above code we have created a json file and the json file consists of key value pair.
  • The data is stored in the form of strings as a keys and values as a list .
  • We will read the json file with the help of the read_json() to read the contents of the file .

Converting into DataFrame :


#Importing the pandas Library
import pandas as pd
#Reading the JSON File
dataFrame = pd.read_json("subject.json")
#Printing the data Frame

Output :

        Name      Roll_no   subject 
0 Harsha 1 C
1 Vardhan 2 JAVA
2 Krishna 3 C++
3 Hanuman 4 SWIFT
4 Shiva 5 PYTHON

Now, we will implement the same on a downloaded dataset,

Pandas Convert JSON to DataFrame

When working with data, it’s common to encounter JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files, which are widely used for storing and exchanging data. Pandas, a powerful data manipulation library in Python, provides a convenient way to convert JSON data into a Pandas data frame. In this article, we’ll explore how to convert JSON data into a Pandas DataFrame, covering various scenarios and options you might encounter along the way.

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Pandas Convert JSON to DataFrame

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Conclusion :
