Parallel clipper

A parallel clipper is a circuit connection that connects a diode to a load. It also records the positive or negative half-cycle of the input waveform. Parallel clippers come in two varieties: positive parallel clippers and negative parallel clippers.

Parallel positive clipper: 

The input waveform’s positive half cycle is clipped by the shunt positive clipper. The shunt-positive clipper’s circuit diagram is shown below.

Parallel positive clipper

The diode is forward-biased during the positive half cycle because the voltage at point A is higher than the voltage at point B. As a result, the diode conducts the input signal and there is no voltage difference at the output.

The voltage polarity of the input signal at points A and B reverses during the negative half-cycle, causing the diode to become reverse biased. As a result, the diode blocks the input signal, and the voltage across the diode is used as the clipper’s output.

In this manner, the positive half of the input cycle is clipped or removed by the shunt-positive clippers, leaving the negative half to run.

Parallel positive clipper with bias: Another fixed voltage source, such as a battery, is used during the biasing process to further alter the waveform. Either positive biasing or negative biasing can be used to connect the voltage source.

Positive bias: The input voltage causes the diode to be forward-biased during the positive half cycle. However, the voltage of the battery causes it to be biased in the opposite direction. The diode’s state will be determined by the sum of the two voltages. The diode will be forward-biased if the input voltage is higher than the battery voltage; otherwise, it will remain reverse-biased.

Parallel positive clipper with  positive bias

The diode is reverse biased when the input signal initially falls below the battery voltage, causing the output signal to appear. However, if the voltage rises above that of the battery, the diode begins to conduct the signal and only the battery voltage can be seen at the output.

The diode is reverse biased during the negative half cycle as a result of input voltage and battery voltage. As a result, the output displays the input signal for the entire negative half-cycle.

Negative bias: The diode is forward-biased for both the input signal and the battery voltage during the positive half cycle. As a result, the diode conducts throughout the cycle, displaying only the battery voltage at the output.

Parallel positive clipper with  negative bias

The diode is forward biased for battery voltage and reverses biased for input signal during the negative half cycle. The state of the diode is determined by the combined impact of the two voltage sources. When the input voltage is lower than the battery voltage, the diode is forward biased.

The diode is forward-biased because the input signal is lower than the battery voltage at first. As a result, the output displays the battery voltage. The diode becomes reverse-biased when the input voltage exceeds the battery voltage, and as depicted in the figure, the input signal begins to appear at the output.

Parallel Negative Clipper: 

The negative half of the input waveforms are clipped off using the negative parallel clippers.

Parallel negative clipper

The diode is reverse-biased during the positive half cycle, blocking the signal that crosses it. Consequently, the output also displays the positive half.
The signal is carried by the forward-biased diode during the negative half cycle. For the negative half cycle, there is no voltage at the output. As a result, the negative half of the input waveform is clipped or removed by the shunt negative clipper

Parallel Negative Clipper with Bias: Positive or negative biasing, also known as positive biasing or negative biasing, is used in conjunction with the shunt negative clipper to further alter its waveform. By changing the battery’s voltage, the waveform can be altered.

Positive bias: The diode is biased forward for battery voltage but reversed for input voltage during the positive half cycle. Therefore, the only time the input voltage exceeds the battery voltage will cause the diode to be reversely biased, at which point the input signal will be output.

Parallel negative clipper with  positive Bias

The diode is forward biased and conducts the signal when the signal is initially lower than the battery’s capacity. As a result, the output only displays the battery voltage. however, the diode becomes reverse biased and the signal appears at the output as shown in the figure when the input signal is greater than the battery voltage.

The diode is forward biased for both the input signal and the battery voltage during the negative half cycle. The diode conducts as a result, and only the battery voltage is visible at the output throughout the entire negative cycle.

Negative bias: The diode is reverse-biased for both input voltage and battery voltage during the positive half cycle. As a result, the voltage is blocked by the diode, and the signal remains at the output throughout the entire positive half cycle.

Parallel negative clipper with  negative Bias

When the input voltage is higher than the battery voltage during the negative half cycle, the diode conducts. As a result, the diode blocks and the signal is output when the voltage is lower than the battery voltage. Only the battery voltage is visible at the output when the input voltage exceeds; the diode then begins to conduct.

Introduction to Clippers

A clipper in electronics is a circuit created to stop a signal from going over a specific reference voltage level. The remaining portion of the waveform that is applied is not distorted by a clipper. The clipping of a portion of a wave from an input signal is done with Clipper Circuits. A diode is the main component, and it can be used in series or parallel. Clippers have the benefit of removing the unwanted noise that is present in an AC signal’s amplitude.

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