Password Spraying vs Dictionary Attack


Password Spraying

Dictionary Attack


Uses a limited set of common passwords across multiple user accounts, exploiting the likelihood of users having weak or reused passwords.

Tries all combinations from a predefined list or dictionary.


Less resource-intensive (fewer attempts per account)

More resource-intensive (larger dictionary, complex passwords)


Many usernames with common passwords

Single username (or few usernames) with many passwords

Password List

Common passwords and variations (limited set)

Words from a dictionary and variations (potentially large)

Success Rate

It may be successful if any of the targeted accounts have weak or commonly used passwords.

Success largely depends on the quality and comprehensiveness of the dictionary used, it can be effective against accounts with strong passwords if the dictionary contains the correct passphrase.


It can be harder to detect as it involves fewer failed login attempts per account, potentially bypassing automated security measures.

Easier due to the high volume of attempts from a single source. More likely to trigger account lockouts or alarms due to the high volume of login attempts with different passwords.

Lockout Risk

Higher due to repeated attempts on one username

Lower due to spread-out attempts across accounts


Strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, login monitoring

Similar measures as password spraying, with additional brute-force prevention (account lockouts, rate limiting, CAPTCHAs)


Distributed risk across multiple accounts (wider potential impact)

Concentrated risk on targeted account (lower widespread compromise risk)

Difference Between Password Spraying and Dictionary Attack

Cybercriminals can attack systems through password spraying or dictionary attacks, but they also do so in different ways. Password spraying attempts to break into multiple accounts using a few common passwords, while dictionary attacks use a list of many possible passwords against a single account. The attacker aims to find accounts with weak passwords, thus avoiding detection from account lockout mechanisms. But a dictionary attack involves trying every word in a predetermined list (the “dictionary”) as a password for one or more user accounts. This method is more exhaustive and systematic compared to password spraying.

Both techniques aim to control weak or commonly used passwords to gain unauthorized access. Yet password spraying is less likely to trigger account lockouts and can be effective against organizations with loose password policies. On the other hand, a dictionary attack requires more computational resources but can potentially uncover stronger passwords that may not be included in common password lists.

To defend against these attacks, organizations should implement the following:

  • Strong password policies
  • Encourage the use of multi-factor authentication
  • Regularly update systems
  • Employ security measures like account lockout policies and intrusion detection systems

Now, let’s understand each in detail, and then conclude how they both are different from each other:

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Password Spraying vs Dictionary Attack

Keywords Password Spraying Dictionary Attack Method Uses a limited set of common passwords across multiple user accounts, exploiting the likelihood of users having weak or reused passwords. Tries all combinations from a predefined list or dictionary. Resources Less resource-intensive (fewer attempts per account) More resource-intensive (larger dictionary, complex passwords) Target Many usernames with common passwords Single username (or few usernames) with many passwords Password List Common passwords and variations (limited set) Words from a dictionary and variations (potentially large) Success Rate It may be successful if any of the targeted accounts have weak or commonly used passwords. Success largely depends on the quality and comprehensiveness of the dictionary used, it can be effective against accounts with strong passwords if the dictionary contains the correct passphrase. Detection It can be harder to detect as it involves fewer failed login attempts per account, potentially bypassing automated security measures. Easier due to the high volume of attempts from a single source. More likely to trigger account lockouts or alarms due to the high volume of login attempts with different passwords. Lockout Risk Higher due to repeated attempts on one username Lower due to spread-out attempts across accounts Prevention Strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, login monitoring Similar measures as password spraying, with additional brute-force prevention (account lockouts, rate limiting, CAPTCHAs) Risk Distributed risk across multiple accounts (wider potential impact) Concentrated risk on targeted account (lower widespread compromise risk)...

Methods to Mitigate Against Password Spraying and Dictionary Attack

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Both password spraying and dictionary attacks are techniques for hacking into accounts. Password spraying tries many accounts with a few common passwords. On the other hand, dictionary attacks use a list of words to try every possible password. To enhance cybersecurity, implementing strong password policies and using multi-factor authentication can mostly help to defend against attacks....

Dictionary Attack and Password Spraying – FAQs

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