Performance Considerations

  1. Impact on Test Execution Time: As the user wants the script to be executed in minimum time with much efficiency, thus it is necessary to optimize the wait time. This can be done by reducing the wait or giving the necessary time to wait only.
  2. Network Latency: This is one of the most crucial factors as less network latency increases the script execution time. Thus, it’s better to connect to a good internet for running the test.
  3. Resource Consumption: As implicit and explicit waits continuously keep on checking if the element is found or not, thus it consumes many resources. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor resource usage during test execution.
  4. Browsing Cache: The temporary files which get stored in the browser are known as browsing cache. It can be very crucial as the data already loaded once will not be loaded again, thus increasing performance.
  5. Parallel Execution: The multiple scripts can be run at the same time across multiple threads to reduce overall test execution time.

How to ask the Selenium-WebDriver to wait for few seconds in Java?

An open-source framework that is used for automating or testing web applications is known as Selenium. There are some circumstances when the particular component takes some time to load or we want a particular webpage to be opened for much more duration, in that case, we ask the Selenium web driver to wait for a few seconds. In this article, we will discuss the same.

Table of Content

  • What is Selenium WebDriver?
  • How to Ask the Selenium-WebDriver to Wait for a Few Seconds in Java?
  • Comparison of Different Wait Methods
  • Best Practices for Waiting in Selenium-WebDriver
  • Handling Dynamic Elements with Waiting Strategies
  • Performance Considerations
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Selenium WebDriver?

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How to Ask the Selenium-WebDriver to Wait for a Few Seconds in Java?

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Comparison of Different Wait Methods


Best Practices for Waiting in Selenium-WebDriver


Handling Dynamic Elements with Waiting Strategies


Performance Considerations

In the following table, we have compared the various sleep methods, implicit wait, explicit wait, and sleep function....


Avoid sleep function: As the sleep function does not execute the next lines of code until the specified time is over, thus it adds unnecessary delays. Therefore, it is better to avoid sleep function. Use Explicit Waits Wisely: The explicit wait is the best waiting technique, still, it is recommended to use it wisely as excessive use of waits can slow down your tests. Optimize Timeout Values: It is very crucial to set proper time with sleep and implicit wait function depending on factors like network, loading of website, etc. Constantly Review and Enhance Waiting Techniques: The user should review the automation script at regular intervals and modify the waiting techniques, if necessary. Use Page Object Model: In case of the huge scripts, it is necessary to follow the page object model as it encapsulates waiting logic within page objects and makes tests more readable and maintainable....

Frequently Asked Questions

Explicit Waits: In the case of dynamic elements, explicit wait works best as it makes the script wait until it is necessary to make that element visible and clickable. Identify Stable Locators: It is suggested to use the locators that are expected not to change to find an element. This will reduce your effort of changing the script again and again and make it more dynamic. Retry Mechanisms: If you are executing a script on a large scale, then don’t forget to add a retry mechanism too in the script as it will reduce the failure of the script. Fluent Waits: This wait is almost similar to explicit wait, but it is useful while polling as it provides users the flexibility in defining polling intervals. Custom Wait Conditions: In case, you don’t wait to use any of the above-stated waiting methods, then you can create your waiting method by using if-else conditions for checking if the element is loaded or not....