Performing a Firewalk Scan

Performing a Firewalk scan involves specifying the target host, the ports to scan, and any additional options or parameters you want to include. Here’s an example of how to perform a Firewalk scan using the following code:

sudo firewalk -S 1-8081 -i eth0 -n -p TCP

Let’s break down each part of the code:

  • ‘-S 1-8081’: This specifies the range of ports to scan on the target host. In this example, Firewalk will scan ports from 1 to 8081.
  • ‘-i eth0’: This specifies the network interface to use for the scan. In this example, the Ethernet interface eth0 will be used.
  • ‘-n’: This tells Firewalk not to perform a reverse DNS lookup on the IP addresses of the target host.
  • ‘-p TCP’: This specifies the protocol to use for the scan. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) will be used in this example.
  • ‘’: These are the IP addresses of the target host. In this example, Firewalk will scan the target host at IP address for open ports on the specified range.

scanned results

Once you have specified the target host and the ports to scan, you can run the Firewalk scan using the code above. Firewalk will then generate packets, analyze responses, perform traceroute, and scan ports to determine the status of specific ports on the target host. The scan results will be displayed in the terminal, providing information about the target host, open ports, and the type of firewall in use.

Firewalk tool – kali linux

The article will go through how to install Firewalk, an overview of its components, how to run a Firewalk scan, and how to understand the scan findings. This post is intended for people who are new to Firewalk and wish to learn how to use it for network security evaluations.

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Performing a Firewalk Scan

Performing a Firewalk scan involves specifying the target host, the ports to scan, and any additional options or parameters you want to include. Here’s an example of how to perform a Firewalk scan using the following code:...


In conclusion, Firewalk is a vital tool for network security professionals, and its usage is essential for maintaining a secure network environment. By taking the time to understand Firewalk and how it works, you can gain valuable insights into the security of your network and identify potential vulnerabilities that need to be addressed....