
Consider a pointer to be a compass that directs you to a particular spot. The memory address of another variable is kept in a pointer variable. This address tells you where to find the actual data, much like a compass direction. The dereference operator (*), which functions as a compass to guide you to the destination, is used to access the data.

Key characteristics of pointers:

  • Can be null, meaning they don’t point to any valid memory location.
  • Can be reassigned to point to different variables.
  • Need to be dereferenced to access the data they point to.
  • Offer more flexibility but can be error-prone if not used carefully (dangling pointers, memory leaks).


int x = 10;
int* ptr = &x; // ptr now points to the memory address of x
int value = *ptr; // dereference ptr to access the value at x (which is 10)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int x = 10; // Integer variable
    int* ptr = &x; // Pointer variable that stores the
                   // address of x

    cout << "Value of x: " << x
         << endl; // Outputs the value of x
    cout << "Memory address of x: " << ptr
         << endl; // Outputs the memory address of x
    cout << "Value at the memory address stored in ptr: "
         << *ptr
         << endl; // Dereferences ptr to get the value of x

    return 0;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 10; // Integer variable

        Integer X = new Integer(x); // Integer object
        int ptr = System.identityHashCode(X); // Memory address of X

        System.out.println("Value of x: " + x); 
        System.out.println("Memory address of x: " + ptr);
        System.out.println("Value at the memory address stored in ptr: " + X.intValue());

Value of x: 10
Memory address of x: 0x7ffc13f1d454
Value at the memory address stored in ptr: 10

Difference between Pointer and Reference in Programming

Effective memory management is essential in the field of programming. When talking about memory addresses and data access, two key ideas—pointers and references—come into play. Writing clean and secure code requires an understanding of their primary differences, even though they have certain similarities.

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Consider a pointer to be a compass that directs you to a particular spot. The memory address of another variable is kept in a pointer variable. This address tells you where to find the actual data, much like a compass direction. The dereference operator (*), which functions as a compass to guide you to the destination, is used to access the data....


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Differences between pointers and references:

Feature Pointer Reference Definition Stores the memory address of another variable Creates an alias for an existing variable Initialization Can be declared without initialization Must be initialized with a valid variable at declaration Null Value Can be assigned NULL Cannot be assigned NULL Reassignment Can be reassigned to point to different variables Cannot be reassigned to another variable Memory Allocation Does not allocate memory itself Does not allocate memory itself Memory Location Has its own memory address and size Shares the memory address of the original variable Access Accessed through dereferencing (*) Accessed directly (no dereferencing required) Safety More error-prone (dangling pointers, memory leaks) Generally safer (prevents null pointer exceptions) Use Cases Dynamic memory allocation, complex data structures Function arguments (pass by reference), improve readability...