Post-Deployment Steps

We’ve deployed the application in Lambda now, but still, there are a few more things to do, here we interact with production entities directly.

Configure the local system to interact with the production

To interact with the production deployment, we need to configure our local environment, like settings environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE  (, and also other required environment variables.

Create a file with the name in the project home directory with the below content (update values appropriately)

export SECRET_KEY=mys3cr3tkey
export SQL_DB_NAME=my_db_name
export SQL_DB_USERNAME=my_db_username
export SQL_DB_PORT=3306
export USE_S3_STATIC=True
export CUSTOM_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=abcdefghijkl
export AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=my-storage-bucket

Then run the below command to set those environment variables, so that further commands will make use of these commands.


Apply Migrations

Run the below command to apply migrations, these migrations will be applied in the DB server we configured in environment variables.

Apply Database Migrations 

Deploy Static files

Run the below command to push required static (HTML templates, CSS, js, images, ) files to the AWS S3 Bucket.

Collect required static files to S3

Access Application

You can now access your application by using the URL shown in the deployment.

Update Deployment

We can use the below command if we wanna update our existing deployment.

zappa update <stage>

Update Django Application Deployment

Delete Deployment

If you wanna delete your deployed application, run the below command, which will remove all the entities created for this deployment.

zappa undeploy <stage>

Undeploy Django Application

Conclusion: In this article, we showed you how to deploy a Django application using Zappa. Zappa makes it easy to deploy and manage your Django applications on AWS Lambda and API Gateway and provides a convenient way to keep your deployments up-to-date. Whether you’re just starting out with Django or looking to scale your existing application, deploying with Zappa is a great option.

How to Deploy Django Application in AWS Lambda?

Pre-requisite: AWS, Python

Django is a Python web framework that makes it easy to build web applications quickly and securely. It has a large and helpful community that provides support and contributes to its development.

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform that runs your code in Docker containers, provides us with the best possible speed, and there is a number of third-party apps, and tools that make Lambda usage much easier, in this tutorial we gonna use one such tool.

Django Application Deployment using AWS Lambda

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