Practice Problems on Photon

Q1: A hydrogen nucleus (H+) and an antiproton collide and annihilate each other. If the mass of a hydrogen atom (1H) is 1.67×10-27 kg, find the frequency of the two emitted photons.

Q2: If the energy for an electron in the nth orbit around the atom is given by En =-13.6/n2 eV, find the frequency of the photon released when an electron jumps from the 3rd to the 1st orbit.

Q3: Threshold frequency for a certain metal is 3.3 × 1014 Hz. If light of frequency 8.2 × 1014 Hz is incident on the metal, predict the cut-off voltage for the photoelectric emission.

Q4: Light of wavelength 488 nm is produced by an argon laser which is used in the photoelectric effect. When light from this spectral line is incident on the emitter, the stopping potential of photoelectrons is 0.38 V. Find the work function of the material from which the emitter is made.

Q5: Monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm is produced by a helium-neon laser. Find the energy and momentum of each photon in the light beam.


Photon is a fundamental particle of electromagnetic radiation. It is a quantum of light and other electromagnetic waves. It is the force carrier of the electromagnetic force. Photons can display wave-like behaviors such as interference and diffraction. They can also exhibit particle-like behaviors such as the photoelectric effect. This is known as wave-particle duality.

Photons carry momentum and travel at the speed of light. Photons are produced through processes such as electron transitions in atoms, particle interactions, and particle-antiparticle annihilation. In the photoelectric effect, photons transfer their energy to electrons in a material, leading to the emission of photoelectrons.

Table of Content

  • What are Photons?
  • How are Photon Produced?
  • Difference between Photon and Electron
  • Properties of Photon
  • Wave-Particle Duality
  • Photoelectric Effect

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