Practice Questions

Q1: Check the divisibility of 936 by 13 using the “Multiplying by 4 Rule.”

Q2: Is 5,726 divisible by 13?

Q3: Is 7,14,369 divisible by 13?

Q4: Use the “Last Three Digits Rule” to check if 9,874,123 is divisible by 13.

Q5: Check that 1,635 is divisible by 13 using the “Alternating Sum of Triplets Rule.”

Divisibility Rule of 13

Divisibility rules of 13 help us know the given number that should be divisible by 13. Let’s learn about those rules and how to apply them.

Table of Content

  • What is the Divisibility Rule of 13?
  • Divisibility Rules for 13 with Examples
    • Rule 1: Last Three Digits Rule
    • Rule 2: Rule of Alternating Sum of Triplets
    • Rule 3: Multiplying by 4 Rule
    • Rule 4: Subtracting Twice the Last Digit Rule
  • Divisibility Rule of 13 for Large Numbers
  • Solved Examples on 13 Divisibility Rule
  • Divisibility Rule of 13: FAQs

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Divisibility Rule of 13 for Large Numbers

Context: Simplifying the process of checking divisibility by 13 for large numbers, such as five-digit integers. Method: Create Triplets: Start with the rightmost digit and group the digits into triplets. Calculate Alternating Sum: Find the alternating sum of these triplets. Check Divisibility: Determine if the alternating sum is divisible by 13. Example: Number: 43,925. Step 1: Group into triplets: 925 and 43. Step 2: Calculate alternating sum: 925 – 43 = 882. Step 3: Check divisibility: See if 882 is divisible by 13. Conclusion: If 882 is divisible by 13, then 43,925 is also divisible by 13....

Solved Examples on 13 Divisibility Rule

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Practice Questions

Q1: Check the divisibility of 936 by 13 using the “Multiplying by 4 Rule.”...

Divisibility Rule of 13: FAQs

What is the divisibility rule of 13?...