Practice Questions on Oxymorons

Identify oxymoron in the following sentences:-

1. It is always a love-hate relationship between my neighbors.

2. Sheetal was on a heavy diet owing to her engagement.

3. My father has zero tolerance for dishonesty.

4. We use plastic cups so we can just dispose of them after use.

5. I asked my cousin to stop behaving like a big baby.

6. The child’s restlessness was projected like a silent scream for help.

7. Geography is my least favorite topic in Social Sciences.

8. There is a definite possibility for my friends to be late due to the rain.


1. It is always a love-hate relationship between my neighbors.

2. Sheetal was on a heavy diet owing to her engagement.

3. My father has zero tolerance for dishonesty.

4. We use plastic cups so we can just dispose of them after use.

5. I asked my cousin to stop behaving like a big baby.

6. The child’s restlessness was projected like a silent scream for help.

7. Geography is my least favorite topic in Social Sciences.

8. There is a definite possibility for my friends to be late due to the rain.

Oxymoron – Definition with Examples

Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which contradictory words are combined with opposing meanings, like “ old news ”  or “ organized chaos. ”   

The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines an oxymoron as “a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other.”  In the Cambridge Dictionary, an oxymoron is defined as “two words or phrases used together that have, or seem to have opposite meanings.”

Oxymoron Definition with Examples

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