Preparation of Hyposulfurous acid

  • Hyposulfurous acid can be found in the gas phase. It is found as an intermediate acid by the oxidization of Hydrogen Sulfide in the natural environment.
  • It can also be prepared by ultraviolet irradiation of a mixture consisting of solid H2S and H2O. This process takes place in circumstellar disks or comets.
  • It can also be prepared by conducting ultraviolet irradiation on solid sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. 

Hyposulfurous Acid Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Hyposulfurous acid contains two Hydrogen (H), one sulfur (S), and two Oxygen (O) atoms. Hydrogen (H) is a chemical element that has atomic number 1 in the periodic table. Sulfur (S) is a chemical element with the atomic number 16 in the periodic table. Oxygen (O) is the chemical element with atomic number 8 in the periodic table. Let’s discuss Hyposulfurous acid.

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Preparation of Hyposulfurous acid

Hyposulfurous acid can be found in the gas phase. It is found as an intermediate acid by the oxidization of Hydrogen Sulfide in the natural environment. It can also be prepared by ultraviolet irradiation of a mixture consisting of solid H2S and H2O. This process takes place in circumstellar disks or comets. It can also be prepared by conducting ultraviolet irradiation on solid sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide....

Physical Properties of Hyposulfurous acid

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Chemical Properties of Hyposulfurous acid

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Uses of Hyposulfurous acid

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FAQs on Hyposulfurous acid

Question 1: What happens when Hyposulfurous acid reacts in water with sodium hydroxide?...