Preparation tips for Google Coding Jam

From the above information on the Code Jam, it is very clear that you will have to be the best among the best to clear and win the Google Code Jam title. So how do you prepare for Google Code Jam? 

Undoubtedly, the best way to make an ace is to have an effective and sustainable preparation strategy, with the best knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). But, just for you, we will break down the Code Jam preparation strategy in the upcoming points, to help you gain the most.

1. Learn any Programming language basics

Though the Code Jam competition is all about competitive programming, but to begin with, you need to have the basics clear of at least one of the Programming languages, such as:

  • The basic syntax, 
  • The data types, variables, and, operators,
  • Conditional statements, 
  • Loops, 
  • Functions, 
  • Input/Output, etc.

2. Practice Data Structures

The main purpose of using Data Structures is to reduce time and space complexities. An efficient data structure makes use of minimum memory space and takes the minimal possible time to execute, thereby allowing your code to pass all the provided constraints.

Make sure to cover the below mostly used Data Structures in computer science, to make a solid base for your Google Code Jam preparation:

3. Practice Algorithms

It is essential to have an algorithm that is both time and space-efficient and the best way to illuminate various kinds of issues is with the help of various kinds of algorithms. Once you have a grasp of Data Structures, it is highly recommended to practice various algorithmic techniques, from any of the below links:

How to Prepare for Google Code Jam?

Google Code Jam is an international programming competition hosted and controlled by Google. The competition began in 2003. From 2003 to 2007, Google Code Jam was used in the Topcoder area. Since 2008 Google has upgraded its competitive infrastructure and Google Code Jam became a fest for competitive programmers. Every competitive programmer dreams to be a part of the final rank list of Google Code Jam. But the problem is how to prepare for Google Code Jam? Well, worry no more. We have curated this article just for that.

How to Prepare for Google Code Jam?

In this article, we will give you a complete guide to help you understand every aspect of Google Code Jam competition like its eligibility, registration process, how to prepare for Google Code Jam, and much more. So, lets get started.

Table of Contents

  • What is Google Code Jam?
  • Eligibility Criteria for Google Code Jam
  • How to register for Google Coding Jam?
  • Structure of Google Code Jam contest
    • 1) Qualification Round
    • 2) Rounds 1a, 1b and 1c
    • 3) Round 2
    • 4) Round 3
    • 5) World Finals Round
  • Preparation tips for Google Coding Jam
    • Learn any Programming Language Basics
    • Practice Data Structures
    • Practice Algorithms
  • Resources to practice
    • w3wiki
    • Google Kickstart
    • Google HashCode
  • Conclusion


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