Problem statement

So that was pretty much about URL, now our problem statement is how to get that URL at the server? Because during the application in production, several times we need the Whole components of URL to understand the user requirements so that later server can fulfill them by sending a proper response.  

How to Get the Full URL in ExpressJS ?

When building web applications with Express.js, a popular framework for Node.js, there are many scenarios where you may need to retrieve the full URL of a request. This is especially useful for tasks like logging requests, generating absolute URLs for redirect responses, or creating links in response data. In this article, we will explore various methods to obtain the full URL in an Express.js application, including the use of built-in methods and constructing URLs manually.

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Understanding URL Components

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Problem statement

So that was pretty much about URL, now our problem statement is how to get that URL at the server? Because during the application in production, several times we need the Whole components of URL to understand the user requirements so that later server can fulfill them by sending a proper response....


There is an easy and simple approach to solve this because directly or indirectly the user sends the request object and it contains sufficient information for the server. And we can extract essential properties from that object according to our needs. In this article, at step number 4, we are going to discuss how to construct the URL from this request object sent by the user....


Import express with require keyword and,Then call the express() function provided by the express framework.That function call will return our created app, store it in a const variable.Set a PORT for your application 3000 is default but you can choose any other according to availability.After then, call the listen() function, and with this our express server starts listening to the connection on the specified path.The listen function takes port and callback function as an argument....


Retrieving the full URL in an Express.js application is straightforward. By using req.protocol, req.get('host'), and req.originalUrl, you can construct the complete URL of incoming requests. This technique is useful for logging, redirects, or generating dynamic content based on the URL. By following the steps in this article, you can easily implement this functionality in your own Express.js applications....