Problems faced by People while reaching the court

  • While every individual has the right to reach court if their rights are invaded, but, people seldom file a case due to long procedures and paperwork. According to them, it is time taking procedure and takes a lot of money. 
  • For poor people, it is even harder to go to a court for justice as the majority of them depend on daily wages, it is impossible for them to spend their time and money on court cases when they are not even able to fulfill their daily needs.
  • Another reason for people to not reach out to the court is a lack of education. There are a mass number of people in society who are less educated and cannot read or write, such as laborers and workers. They depend on the daily wages and are not much aware of the laws. 
  • There is another problem that makes people hesitant to reach court is the long years of time that the court takes in the hearings. People get justice, but as the saying goes,” Justice late is Justice denied.” it is too late for them, and by that time, it becomes insignificant for them. 

Access To the Courts

“Law should be equal for everyone”, taking this thought into consideration, the constituent assembly created the kind of judiciary system, that can avail justice for everyone equally. The constitution of India provides a common law system in India. Where everyone is equal in the eyes of the court and laws are equal to everyone. However, there are certain rules and procedures that needed to be followed in court in order to get justice.

Undoubtedly, the law is equal for all and people have equal access to court, but in reality, the majority of people find it difficult to reach the court. Especially the lower class of society, who are relatively poor and less educated. They don’t have enough money and time, nor they are educated enough to understand the laws and procedures. The constitution of India provides equal laws and protection to the people of India and does not discriminate against people on the basis of caste, sex, religion, or race. People are provided with fundamental rights by the constitution, which is enforced by law, and if it is violated or denied by any state authority, can be sued in court. This shows that all citizens of India have equal access to the court. But sadly, the majority of people don’t approach the court due to a lack of knowledge and proper education. They are not much aware of laws and policies provided by the government. 

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