Professional Ethics

What is the nature of Professional Ethics in Law?

The nature of legal profession in India is highly dynamic and competitive and the ethics of the legal profession is codified under Indian Law.

What are the other set of duties that need to be followed by an Advocate apart from the ones mentioned?

The other duties include:

  • Not to advertise or solicit work.
  • The signboard and nameplate of an Advocate must be of a reasonable size.
  • Any unauthorized practice of law must not be promoted.

What is the functioning of the Disciplinary Committee under the State Bar Council?

Section 35 of the Advocates Act deals with the functioning and formulation of the Disciplinary Committee. Under this, if any legal practitioner is found guilty of any professional misconduct, then strict actions would be taken against that legal practitioner.

Frame any judicial decision that explains the relationship between the Lawyer and the Client.

In the case of V.C. Rangadurai vs D. Gopalan (1979), the court observed that the relationship between the advocate and his client involves the highest personal trust and confidence. Hence, the relationship cannot be treated as purely professional owing to the confidential nature of the information that is given to the lawyer by the client.

What are the Powers and Functions of the Bar Council of India?

The main objective of BCI is safeguarding the rights, interests and privileges of advocates throughout India.


  • Bar Council of India
  • Indian National Bar Association
  • Bar Council of Delhi

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

Professional Ethics in Law: Legal Framework and Advantages

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Existing Legal Framework

1. The Advocate Act, 1961...

Bridging the Gap between Legal Ethics and the Legal Profession in Indian Courts

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Advantages of having Codified Professional Ethics

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In conclusion, Professional Ethics in any profession can be also called the morals that need to be followed while doing the job. In the legal profession, lawyers must have a certain set of responsibilities that they need to follow, and because of that the government of our country has codified these laws and made it compulsory for every lawyer to have manners while they represent their client in the court. In the developing world, these codified ethics can only be a chance to enhance the legal system in our country. It will increase the amount of trust a client places on their lawyer....

Professional Ethics – FAQs

What is the nature of Professional Ethics in Law?...