Program to Concatenate Multiple Strings in Java

Below are the implementations of the two methods:

Method 1: StringBuilder

This is an approach for concatenating multiple Strings in Java, This StringBuilder class provides one method which is append() method. This method is used to append the string values and then take the result into one String value.


// Java Program for Concatenation Using StringBuilder
import java.util.*;
// Driver Class
public class ConcatenationExample {
    // Main Function
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using StringBuilder
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        stringBuilder.append(" Welcome ");
        stringBuilder.append(" To ");
        stringBuilder.append(" w3wiki ");
        String result = stringBuilder.toString();


 Welcome  To  w3wiki 

Explanation of the above Program:

  • This Java program demonstrates string concatenation using StringBuilder.
  • It creates a StringBuilder named stringBuilder.
  • At last, it combines words into a sentence using toString() and prints the result.

Method 2: StringJoiner

This is another approach for concatenate multiple Strings in Java. For this, we have used StringJoiner class in Java. After that we have created object for this StringJoiner class After that we have converted the result into String value.


// Java Program for Concatenation Using StringJoiner
import java.util.StringJoiner;
// Driver Class
public class ConcatenationExample {
    // Main function
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Using StringJoiner
        StringJoiner stringJoiner = new StringJoiner(" ");
        stringJoiner.add(" Welcome ");
        stringJoiner.add(" To ");
        stringJoiner.add(" w3wiki ");
        String result = stringJoiner.toString();


 Welcome   To   w3wiki 

Explanation of the above Program:

  • This Java program demonstrates string concatenation using the StringJoiner class.
  • It creates a StringJoiner named stringJoiner with a space.
  • It combines separate words into a single sentence using toString() and prints the result.

How to Concatenate Multiple Strings in Java?

In Java programming, there are a lot of ways to concatenate multiple strings. For this, we have taken three or more String values then we concatenate those String values by using different ways.

In this article, we have used two different ways, we will explain each method with one example for a better understanding of the concept.

Methods to Concatenate Multiple Strings

Here, we have used these two different ways to concatenate multiple Strings in Java rather than using the basic concat() method. Every way provides a unique solution for this problem. Now we will explain each method with examples in Java.

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Program to Concatenate Multiple Strings in Java

Below are the implementations of the two methods:...