Prop Validation Types

  • Basic type check: We only mention the type of props we require. We can use null and undefined to get any type of data.
  • Multiple types: We can use an array of datatypes which are valid datatypes for props.
  • Requirement Object: We can define objects that mention the type of the props.
  • Object with required: We can define objects that mention the necessity condition for props.
  • Default value: We can define a default value for props that will be used in case of props are not passed.
    • Use Number as default value: Number is used as default value.
    • Use Default function: Use a function that returns the default value.
    • Object with default value: If we have props that expect an object in such case we can use default value for props which is used when props are not passed from the parent. The default value is defined using the default function which returns the default value of an object.
  • Function with default value: We can use type as a function and can define the default function as the return default function.
  • Custom Validator function: We can define a custom function that checks that props must be specific.
  • Required String: We can define the type of props as a string and make it necessary using the required parameters.

Vue.js Prop Validation

Vue.js Prop Validation is a method to specify the requirements for their props. If the requirement is not met Vue warns in the browser’s console. To define a validator we can use an object with a requirement or string or array containing the props name. There are several types of validation for props, which are described below.

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Prop Validation Types

Basic type check: We only mention the type of props we require. We can use null and undefined to get any type of data. Multiple types: We can use an array of datatypes which are valid datatypes for props. Requirement Object: We can define objects that mention the type of the props. Object with required: We can define objects that mention the necessity condition for props. Default value: We can define a default value for props that will be used in case of props are not passed. Use Number as default value: Number is used as default value. Use Default function: Use a function that returns the default value. Object with default value: If we have props that expect an object in such case we can use default value for props which is used when props are not passed from the parent. The default value is defined using the default function which returns the default value of an object. Function with default value: We can use type as a function and can define the default function as the return default function. Custom Validator function: We can define a custom function that checks that props must be specific. Required String: We can define the type of props as a string and make it necessary using the required parameters....


props: { // Number, String, Boolean, Date, Array, Object, Function etc type: Type, // True for neccessity and false if not neccessary. required: true / false, default (props) { // Default values e.g. 68, "Geeks" return { data: 'value' }; } validator(prop) { // Validator function return statement; } // Other user defined data }...


Inside the details of the props, the following properties are valid...