Propagation Channel

 It is a physical medium that carries the modulated signal. it is s the medium through which the signal travels. It can be air, water, or any other medium that allows the signal to propagate.

Structure of Wireless Communication Link

The Structure of a wireless communication link involves several key components that work together and maintains the connection between the transmitter and the receiver. Every component plays an important role in the proper transmission of data from the transmitter to the receiver. The following block diagram demonstrates the complete structure of the wireless communication link.

Basic Elements of Wireless Communication

Structure of Wireless Communication

Transmitter Side

  • Information Source: It is a device that contains the information, or we can say it produces information and that information must be processed before transmitting through the propagation channel.
  • Source Encoder: It is a device that compresses the data provided by the information source in order to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted by removing the redundancies in the data.
  • Channel Coder: It is a device that is used to increase the reliability of the system by adding the redundant bit (parity bit) to the codded message to protect against errors that may occur during the transmission.
  • Modulator: It is a device that converts the codded message into a signal so that it can be transmitted through the communication channel. It converts digital data into analog signals.
  • Multiplexer: It is a device that allows multiple signals to share a single transmission line by combining them to a single composite signal.

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Propagation Channel

It is a physical medium that carries the modulated signal. it is s the medium through which the signal travels. It can be air, water, or any other medium that allows the signal to propagate....

Receiver Side

Diversity Combiner: It is a device that combines multiple versions of the same signal that have been transmitted through different paths or channels. It Combines all the best-arising signals and by combining them produces the high power signal. Equalizer: It is a device that compensates for the distortion introduced by the propagation channel by adjusting the amplitude and phase of the received signal. Demodulator: A device that extracts the original codded message from the modulated signal received from the propagation channel. it is a device that converts the analog signal to digital data. Channel Decoder: It is a device that corrects the errors in the codded message transmitted by the information source. It uses various techniques in order to correct the errors that occur due to noise and various other causes. Source Decoder: It is a device that performs the opposite of the work performed by the source encoder, It decompresses the coded message back to its original format in order to recover the original data. Information Sink: A device that receives and processes the information transmitted by the information source....