Pug Elements

Pug elements are used to define the HTML structure in Pug templates. It represents various HTML tags used to define the layout and content of a web page. Pug elements are constructed using indentation-based syntax that makes the code visually clean and easy to read.


The syntax for defining Pug elements is straightforward. Each element is represented by its tag name followed by optional attributes, and content and arranged hierarchically using indentation.

// This is a Pug template demonstrating basic syntax with comments

// Define document type and language
doctype html

// Head section containing metadata and stylesheets
title My Pug Page
link(rel="stylesheet", href="styles.css")

// Internal CSS
h1 {
// Body of the document

// Header section with an ID

// Element with class and text content
h1.heading Welcome to My Website

// Navigation menu with list items
// List item with class and href attribute
a(href="#") Home
a(href="#") About
a(href="#") Contact

// Main content section
// Container with ID and class
// Paragraph with class and text content
p.intro This is a demonstration of Pug syntax.
// Image with src and alt attributes
img.image(src="image.jpg", alt="Example Image")

// Footer section
// Container with ID
// Paragraph with text content
p Copyright © 2024 My Website. All rights reserved.

Elements in Pug View Engine

Pug is a template engine that works with JavaScript libraries and frameworks. It simplifies the process of writing HTML by reducing traditional HTML syntax. It uses indentation to represent HTML structure. By using Pug you can reuse the HTML code.

In this article, we will learn about Pug Elements with its syntax and example.

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