Purpose of Router services

The primary purpose of the routing service in Angular is to:

  • URL-based navigation: The routing service enables navigation based on the URL. Each route is associated with a specific URL, and when a user navigates to a particular URL or clicks on a link, the routing service matches the URL with the defined routes and loads the associated component.
  • Component rendering: The routing service is responsible for dynamically rendering the appropriate component based on the current route. When a route is activated, the routing service loads the corresponding component and inserts it into the designated area of the application’s layout or template.
  • Handle Route Parameters: Angular routing also supports passing parameters through the URL. These parameters can be used to customise the behaviour or content of the displayed component. The routing service provides mechanisms to extract and utilise these parameters in your components.
  • Maintain Application State: The routing service helps in maintaining the application state as users navigate between different routes. It allows us to preserve data and component states during navigation, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Explain the purpose of Router services in Angular.

The Router service in Angular is an important component that enables navigation within our single-page application (SPA). It involves mapping URLs to different components or views within the application and rendering the appropriate content based on the requested URL. When a user interacts with navigation links or changes the URL in the browser address bar, the Router intercepts these actions and dynamically updates the view displayed in the browser.

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