Python Program for Array Rotation Example

Partitioning the sub arrays and reversing them


Input arr[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], d = 1, size = 8

1) Reverse the entire list by swapping first and last numbers

   i.e start=0, end=size-1

2) Partition the first subarray and reverse the first subarray, by swapping first and last numbers.

   i.e start=0, end=size-d-1

3) Partition the second subarray and reverse the second subarray, by swapping first and last numbers.

   i.e start=size-d, end=size-1




# Python program to left-rotate the given array
# Function reverse the given array
# by swapping first and last numbers.
def reverse(start, end, arr):
    # No of iterations needed for reversing the list
    no_of_reverse = end-start+1
    # By incrementing count value swapping
    # of first and last elements is done.
    count = 0
    while((no_of_reverse)//2 != count):
        arr[start+count], arr[end-count] = arr[end-count], arr[start+count]
        count += 1
    return arr
# Function takes array, length of
# array and no of rotations as input
def left_rotate_array(arr, size, d):
    # Reverse the Entire List
    start = 0
    end = size-1
    arr = reverse(start, end, arr)
    # Divide array into twosub-array
    # based on no of rotations.
    # Divide First sub-array
    # Reverse the First sub-array
    start = 0
    end = size-d-1
    arr = reverse(start, end, arr)
    # Divide Second sub-array
    # Reverse the Second sub-array
    start = size-d
    end = size-1
    arr = reverse(start, end, arr)
    return arr
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
size = 8
d = 1
print('Original array:', arr)
# Finding all the symmetric rotation number
if(d <= size):
    print('Rotated array: ', left_rotate_array(arr, size, d))
    d = d % size
    print('Rotated array: ', left_rotate_array(arr, size, d))
# This code contributed by SR.Dhanush


Original array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Rotated array:  [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1]

Time Complexity: O(log10(Half no of elements presents in the given array)). 

Auxiliary Space: O(1).

Python Program for Array Rotation

Here we are going to see how we can rotate array with Python code.

Array Rotation:


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