Quantile Rank

Algorithm :

  1. Import pandas and numpy modules.
  2. Create a dataframe.
  3. Use pandas.qcut() function, the Score column is passed, on which the quantile discretization is calculated. And q is set to 4 so the values are assigned from 0-3
  4. Print the dataframe with the quantile rank.

# importing the modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# creating a DataFrame
df = {'Name' : ['Amit', 'Darren', 'Cody', 'Drew',
                'Ravi', 'Donald', 'Amy'],
      'Score' : [50, 71, 87, 95, 63, 32, 80]}
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns = ['Name', 'Score'])
# adding Quantile_rank column to the DataFrame
df['Quantile_rank'] = pd.qcut(df['Score'], 4,
                               labels = False)
# printing the DataFrame

Output :

Decile Rank

Algorithm :

  1. Import pandas and numpy modules.
  2. Create a dataframe.
  3. Use pandas.qcut() function, the Score column is passed, on which the quantile discretization is calculated. And q is set to 10 so the values are assigned from 0-9
  4. Print the dataframe with the decile rank.

# importing the modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# creating a DataFrame
df = {'Name' : ['Amit', 'Darren', 'Cody', 'Drew',
                'Ravi', 'Donald', 'Amy'],
      'Score' : [50, 71, 87, 95, 63, 32, 80]}
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns = ['Name', 'Score'])
# adding Decile_rank column to the DataFrame
df['Decile_rank'] = pd.qcut(df['Score'], 10,
                            labels = False)
# printing the DataFrame

Output :

Quantile and Decile rank of a column in Pandas-Python

Let’s see how to find the Quantile and Decile ranks of a column in Pandas. We will be using the qcut() function of the pandas module.

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Pandas library’s function qcut() is a Quantile-based discretization function. This means that it discretize the variables into equal-sized buckets based on rank or based on sample quantiles....

Quantile Rank

Algorithm :...