Rabbit R1 Features

Enough of learning how to buy Rabbit R1! Let us get to the exciting part. What is this device made of? Why it has gone viral in just a few months? Here is the list of features that will blow your mind.

Rabbit R1 is a handheld device that runs on a Large Action Model (LAM) AI platform. It runs on Rabbit OS and acts as an everyday companion covering all your digital activities. The hardware can receive voice commands and perform intelligent actions. It outsmarts the LLM-based AI outputs that generate text-based responses.

Its specifications are:

Processor: MediaTek MT6765 Octa-core (Helio P35)

Storage: 128 GB


Screen: 2.88” TFT touchscreen

CPU Frequency: 2.3 GHZ maximum

Camera: 360° rotatable 8 MP with the highest resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels, Night Vision

Operating System: Rabbit OS

Sensors: Gyroscope, Accelerometer, GPS, and Magnetometer

Battery: 1000 mAh

Charger: Yes

USB: Type C connector

Speaker: Yes (2W)

Microphone: Dual Far-field Mic

Switches: Analog Scroll Wheel

Weight: 115 grams

Dimensions: 78mm*78mm*13mm / 3in*3in*0.5in

Operating temperature: 0°C – 45°C or 32º – 113º F

Video resolution: 24FPS with up to 1080P resolution

Sim Card: 4G LTE (One slot and unlocked)

Connectivity: Bluetooth V5.0, WiFi with Dual Band connectivity (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz)

How to Buy Rabbit R1 from Certain Countries?

Have you ever thought of the upcoming days when thousands of apps will crowd our devices? It surely boggles our minds when we think of handling a massive list of notifications and endless scrolling. The future days do not seem pretty until now. We now have a remarkable innovation on our way as a companion. Introducing the Rabbit R1, a pocket-sized AI companion you will need in every step of your life.

Just hold this small AI device in your palm and give voice commands. Leave the rest to it. Fascinating, isn’t it? Let us know more about this wonder and how to buy Rabbit R1.

How to Buy Rabbit R1 from Certain Countries?

  • How to Buy Rabbit R1
  • Where Can You Buy Rabbit R1?
  • Rabbit R1 Features
  • Rabbit R1 Pricing

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