React DOM Events

React Tutorial

React is a powerful JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces (UIs). It is developed by Facebook. React is known for its component-based architecture which allows you to create reusable UI elements, making complex web applications easier to manage and maintain. React is used to build single-page applications.

In this React tutorial, you’ll learn all the basic to advanced concepts of React such as React components React props, React state, Functional components in React, React hooks, etc.

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Basic Example of React

ReactJS import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; function Hello(props) { return

Hello GeeksforGeeks

; } const container = document.getElementById("root"); const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container); root.render();...

Why Learn React JS?

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Features of React

1. JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension):...

ReactJS Advantages

Composable: We can divide these codes and put them in custom components. Then we can utilize those components and integrate them into one place.Declarative: In ReactJS, the DOM is declarative. We can make interactive UIs by changing the state of the component and ReactJS takes care of updating the DOM according to it.SEO Friendly: ReactJS affects the SEO by giving you a SPA (Single Page Application) which requires Javascript to show the content on the page which can be rendered and indexed.Community: ReactJS has a huge community because of its demand each company wants to work with ReactJS. Companies like Meta, Netflix, etc built on ReactJS.Easy to learn: HTML-like syntax of JSX makes you comfortable with the codes of React, it only requires a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS fundamentals to start working with it.If you want to learn more refer to this article React JS AdvantagesDebugging is Easy: The debugging of ReactJS is unidirectional which means while designing any app using ReactJS the child components are nested within parent components. So, the data flow is in a single direction it gets more easier to debug errors....

React Tutorial

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React Basic Concepts

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React Hooks

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React DOM Events

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Lifecycle of Components

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Important React Packages

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React Interview Questions

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React Online Quizs


React Online Practice Exercise

Embark on your React learning journey with our online practice portal. Start by selecting quizzes tailored to your skill level. Engage in hands-on coding exercises, receive real-time feedback, and monitor your progress. With our user-friendly platform, mastering React becomes an enjoyable and personalized experience....

React Complete References

Refer to the following articles to have a quick glance at all the important key concepts which are helpful while developing web applications using React...

Frequently Asked Questions on React

1. What is React used for?...