Reading a Bar Graph and comparing two sets of data

To read a Bar graph, we need to ask questions to ourselves looking at the displayed graph. Let’s understand reading a Bar graph through a fundamental example,

Different types of fruits are liked by People,

What does the X-axis and Y-axis on the graph are representing?

The X-axis represents the different types of fruits like apple, guava. while Y-axis represents the Number of people.

What is the Common base for the Bars?

The bars are showing a common base of category of fruits.

What is the scale used on the Y-axis?

The scale used is normal, i.e; 1 Unit = 1 person

Overall, what kind of information the bar graph displaying?

The bar graph is displaying the number of People liking different types of fruits.

Looking at the bar Graph, can one answer, how many people like Mango?

Yes, By observing the length of the bar, one can tell that there are 5 people who like Mango.

Bar Graphs and Histograms

Bar graphs and Histograms: The science of collecting and analyzing data in large quantities, especially for inferring proportions in a whole form is known as Statistics. The word ‘statistics’ itself refers to numbers that are used to describe the relationships of data. Therefore, we can say that the field of applied mathematics that deals with data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation is called statistics. 

A Bar graph or a Histogram is the diagrammatic representation of data in statistics. In bar graphs or histograms, using graphs, charts, and tabular data makes it very easy to understand the concepts and relationships among data.

In this article, we have provided everything about Bar Graph and Histograms along with their properties, significance, and examples of Bar Graphs and Histograms.

Table of Content

  • What is a Bar Graph?
    • Bar Graph Definition
    • Reading a Bar Graph and comparing two sets of data
    • Comparing two sets of data
  • Properties of Bar Graph
  • Significance of a Bar Graph
  • Bar Graph Examples
  • What is a Histogram?
    • Histogram Definition
  • Construction and interpretation of Histogram
  • Difference Between Bar Graphs and Histograms
  • Histogram Examples
  • Summary – Bar Graphs and Histograms
  • FAQs on Bar Graphs and Histograms
    • What is difference between histogram and bar graph?
    • What is the difference between a line graph and a histogram?
    • What are bar graphs used for?
    • What is histogram graph?

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